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Short Video Competition on "Family Values: Our Cherished Legacy"

  • Poster
  • Enrolment
  • Online Workshops Archive
  • Winner's List (Senior Primary)
  • Winner's List (Junior Secondary)


This Short Video Competition on "Family Values: Our Cherished Legacy" (the Competition) is launched by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and the Family Council (collectively referred to as "the Organiser") for senior primary and junior secondary school students to demonstrate their creativity through production of short videos that advocate valuing and upholding traditional Chinese virtues, such as filial piety, respect for the elderly, caring for the youngsters, harmony marriage, integrity, courtesy and supportive neighborhood.

Video content may cover the customs or traditions that your family cherish, interaction or relationships among family members and other topics that illustrate the positive influence of family values and the importance of traditional Chinese values and virtues.


  1. Senior primary school students
    (For Hong Kong students attending Primary 4 to 6 in the 2023/24 School Year)
  2. Junior secondary school students
    (For Hong Kong students attending Secondary 1 to 3 in the 2023/24 School Year)

Entrants may enter the competition either as individuals or groups, each with no more than 5 members and each member may join only one group.

Specifications of Videos

  1. The video duration must be within 1 minute or points will be deducted for any overruns.
  2. The preferred language is Cantonese. Chinese/English subtitles should be provided for Putonghua/English videos.
  3. Preferred aspect ratio: 16:9
  4. Video resolution: 1920 x 1080 or above
  5. The file format must be MP4 / WMV / MOV / AVI
  6. The file size must not exceeding 500MB
  7. The image and sound must be clear and disturbed by noise.


Each category will have the following awards and prizes as listed below:

Awards Prize
ChampionAward certificate and HK$3,000 gift voucher
1st Runner-upAward certificate and HK$2,000 gift voucher
2nd Runner-upAward certificate and HK$1,500 gift voucher
Merit Awards (five entrants)Award certificate and HK$800 gift voucher per entrant
Outstanding CreativityAward certificate and HK$1,000 gift voucher
Best DirectorAward certificate and HK$1,000 gift voucher
Best PerformerAward certificate and HK$1,000 gift voucher
Most Liked Awards (top three entrants)Award certificate and HK$1,000 gift voucher per entrant
Most Actively Participating SchoolAward certificate and HK$3,000 gift voucher

Adjudication Panel

  • Members of the Family Council
  • Representatives from the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau
  • Representatives from the Education Bureau
  • Mr David Lee Kwong-yiu, an experienced director and screenwriter
  • Mr Benny Lau Wai-hang, an experienced director and screenwriter
  • Mr Patrick Tang Man-hon "STEM Sir", an experienced Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) educator

Assessment Criteria

Item Proportion
Content and Relevancy 50%
Creativity and Originality30%
Artistry and Technical Skills (e.g. cinematography, audio and visual effects)20%


Item Tentative Dates
Commencement of Enrolment and Video Entries Collection3 June 2024 (Monday)
Deadline of Enrolment and Video Entries Collection
31 August 2024 (Saturday)
Online Public Voting12 December 2024 (Thursday) to 31 December 2024 (Tuesday)
Award Presentation Ceremony and Announcement of List of AwardsMid-January 2025


Service Period:
From 3 June 2024 to 31 January 2025
Service Hour:
Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Telephone Number:
3181 3623 / 9762 6087
9762 6087

Online Workshop

Three online workshops are available free-of-charge for senior primary and junior secondary school students to learn about the three key steps in video production, i.e. screenwriting, videography and video editing.

Workshop 1: Screenwriting Skills

Briefs on content creation and script writing for short videos, such as idea brainstorming, story framework and structure formation, as well as pre-production preparation

Speaker: Mr Benny Lau Wai-hang, an experienced director and screenwriter

Workshop 2: Videography Skills

Shares the videography skills and experience of video production by smart phones, such as storyboard creation, cinematography techniques and workflow of video production

Speaker: Mr David Lee Kwong-yiu, an experienced director and screenwriter

Workshop 3: Video Editing Skills

Illustrates the production of short videos using free editing software, including the application of footage, background music and basic effects, as well as subtitle production

Speaker: Mr Patrick Tang Man-hon "STEM Sir", an experienced STEM educator

Terms and Conditions

  1. Entrants may enter the competition either as individuals or groups, each with no more than 5 members and each member may join only one group.
  2. Any student involved in the creation, filming and production of a short video for the competition shall be either an Individual Entrant or a member of Group Entrant, yet the cast of the video are not subject to this restriction. Entrants are welcome to invite their family members to feature in the videos to better fit the theme of "Family Values: Our Cherished Legacy".  Extra points will be given under the scoring criterion of "Content and Relevancy" to videos featuring entrants' family members.
  3. Entrants shall be students studying in primary or secondary schools in Hong Kong, and all members of a Group Entrant shall be students from the same school.
  4. There is no limit to the number of entrants from each school.
  5. Each Individual/Group Entrant shall designate a member as the lead entrant, whose parent/guardian shall be responsible for competition enrolment and serving as the contact person, such as receiving the entry confirmation email, e-certificate of enrolment and, if applicable, award notification.
  6. Entrants shall obtain consent from their parents/guardians to enter the competition. Parents/guardians of lead entrants shall submit enrolments and video entries through the Family Council's website.
  7. By submitting a video entry, an Individual Entrant or all members of a Group Entrant and its lead entrant's parent/guardian agree to be bound by all the Terms and Conditions of the competition. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any entrant from entering the competition or winning a prize at any time if it is believed that any of the Terms and Conditions of the competition have been breached.  There is no appeal mechanism for this competition.  
  8. Each entrant may submit only one video entry. In case of duplicate submissions, only the first video received will be considered as a video entry.
  9. Once a video entry is submitted, it cannot be modified, replaced or returned.
  10. Video entries shall be submitted with a title of no more than 20 words. Entrants may also provide a video description of no more than 150 words.
  11. Video entries shall be produced within the competition period.
  12. Upon enrolment and video entry submission through the Family Council's website, parents/guardians of lead entrants will receive an automatic confirmation email. The Organiser will not make any separate notifications.
  13. Eligible entrants will be issued with an e-certificate of enrolment via the email accounts provided by parents/guardians of lead entrants within 6 months from the deadline of video entries collection.
  14. No enrolment and/or submission of video entries will be accepted beyond the deadline of video entries collection.
  15. Shortlisted and award-winning videos, together with the names, classes and school names of the entrants concerned, will be posted on the Family Council's website, Facebook page, Instagram account and/or YouTube channel for public viewing/voting and publicity purposes.
  16. Upon announcement of the list of awards for the competition, the Organiser will contact the award-winning entrants via their lead entrants' parents/guardians or schools to arrange for prize collection.
  17. All personal information provided in the enrolment form and video entry submitted by an entrant shall be true, accurate and complete, or else the Organiser may disqualify the entrant from entering the competition.
  18. In the event that the parent/guardian of a lead entrant cannot be reached by both email and phone based on the submitted information, the Organiser shall not be liable for failing to deliver the e-certificate of enrolment, award certificate or prize.
  19. Video entries shall be original and shall not infringe upon the rights (including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality or rights of privacy) of any third parties. Any non-compliance will result in disqualification from entering the competition or winning a prize.  In the event that a video entry contravenes any laws, all legal liabilities so incurred shall be borne by the entrant and the parent/guardian of the lead entrant, and the Organiser shall not be held liable.  The entrants and parents/guardians of lead entrants concerned shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Organiser and its authorised users fully and effectively against any and all actions, losses, damages, claims, demands, expenses (including the fees and disbursements of lawyers, agents and expert witnesses) and any awards and legal costs which may be agreed to be paid in settlement of any proceedings and liabilities of any nature arising from or incurred by reason of such contravention.
  20. In their video entries, entrants and parents/guardians of lead entrants shall only use, edit or adapt materials from third parties with the prior consent of the third parties concerned. Such usage shall be acknowledged in the video entries in accordance with the relevant copyright laws.  The Organiser shall not be responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for any liabilities arising whatsoever or howsoever from any contravention of any copyright laws.  Entrants and parents/guardians of lead entrants shall agree and undertake to accept and be responsible for all such liabilities arising therefrom.  For details of the Copyright Ordinance (Chapter 528 of the Laws of Hong Kong), please visit  Entrants and parents/guardians of lead entrants shall also obtain permission from the third parties concerned to allow the Government to use, copy, edit and broadcast such third party materials.  The Organiser reserves the right to request written proof of such legal authorisation if necessary.
  21. Entrants and parents/guardians of lead entrants shall acknowledge and agree that the copyrights and intellectual property rights of all video entries will be owned by the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to display, publish, promote or use for non-profit making purposes the video entries, screenshots, content and the names, classes and school names of entrants in any form of media, at any time and in any country/region.  This includes but is not limited to uploading them to the Family Council's website, Facebook page, Instagram account and YouTube Channel.  The Organiser also reserves the right to edit, translate, adapt, use, copy and broadcast in whole or in part the videos without prior consent of or payment of any fees to the entrants and parents/guardians of lead entrants concerned.
  22. Video entries shall not contain any content that is obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, insulting or controversial and inappropriate.
  23. The Organiser reserves the right to reject video entries that are inappropriate, irrelevant to the theme, similar/duplicated in content or in incorrect format.
  24. Video entries shall not contain any commercial publicity or political elements.
  25. Video entries shall not have been publicised in any forms or through any channels, and shall not have been involved in any commercial use or participation in any other competitions.
  26. The decisions of the Adjudication Panel on the competition results are final. Entrants and parents/guardians of lead entrants shall not dispute the competition results.
  27. As regards public voting, the 3 videos receiving the highest number of votes will win the "Most Liked Awards". If more than one video receives the same number of votes, the final result will be decided by the Adjudication Panel.  The voting results will be based on the records of the Organiser's server system.  If it is found that there are any instances of fraud, hacking, empty or fake accounts and other illegal acts that violate the competition rules or abnormal voting, the Organiser reserves the right to disqualify the entrants concerned and take other necessary actions without prior notice or reason.
  28. All vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash and are valid at specified merchants only, subject to their respective Terms and Conditions. The Organiser takes no responsibility for such Terms and Conditions, as well as the quality of the redeemed products, and will not compensate for any lost or stolen prize that is collected.
  29. Entrants and parents/guardians of lead entrants shall agree to abide by all arrangements made by the Organiser for the competition. The Organiser reserves the right of final decision, which includes the right to interpret, amend, cancel or suspend the Terms and Conditions, awards and other arrangements of the competition without prior notice.
  30. The English version of the Terms and Conditions is translated from the Chinese version. Should there be any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the two, the Chinese version shall prevail.
  31. The Organiser reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.

Collection of Personal Data

  1. Purpose of Collection
    Personal data is provided by parents/guardians of the lead entrants voluntarily and will solely be used for the competition. The data will only be used by relevant staff for video processing, liaison and related publicity purposes. Unless published according to the Terms and Conditions of the competition or agreed by the lead entrants' parents/guardians, all personal data provided for enrolment will be destroyed within 6 months upon completion of the competition.
  2. Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data
    While the personal data provided by the lead entrants' parents/guardians is mainly for internal use by the Organiser, the data may also be disclosed to other government bureaux/departments or relevant parties for the above competition objectives as and when necessary. Moreover, the Organiser will disclose the data concerned to other parties only with given consent from parents/guardians of the lead entrants, or when such disclosure is permitted under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  3. Access and Correction of Personal Data
    Pursuant to Sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the lead entrants' parents/guardians are entitled to access and correct the personal data submitted by them. Their right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of the personal data that they provided for competition enrolment. Fees may be charged for the purpose of complying with data access requests. Enquiries about personal data, including access and correction thereof, should be addressed to the Secretariat of the Short Video Competition on "Family Values: Our Cherished Legacy" at 5/F, Sing Tao News Corporation Building, 7 Chun Cheong Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, N.T., Hong Kong (Telephone number: 3181 3623).