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The But's Family
Inter-school Colouring Competition for Kindergarten Students

  • Poster
  • Pamphlet
  • School Enrolment Form
  • Winner's List
  • Colouring Sheet (1)
  • Colouring Sheet (2)
  • Colouring Sheet (3)


Home Affairs Bureau and Family Council launch this Competition to promote the family core value of "Love and Care" to kindergarten students and their parents, and to enhance the bonding and understanding between them through their participation in the Competition


  • Kindergarten students studying in Hong Kong and their parents
  • Entrants must submit their entries through their schools with parents' or guardians' consent

Specifications of Entries

  • Select and download one of the colouring sheets from the Family Council's website and print it on a drawing paper (380mm x 295mm) or A3 size paper (420mm x 297mm) or A4 size paper (210mm x 297mm)
  • Fill the colouring sheet with any drawing tools but use of computer-aided design is not allowed. Finger painting is welcome

Submission of Entries

Participating schools should submit by hand the School Enrolment Forms and all original hardcopy of entries each affixed with an Entrant Enrolment Form on the back of the entry to: The Secretariat of "The But's Family" Publicity Campaign (Address: Room D, 9/F, Tong Yuen Factory Building, 505 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon) (Working hour: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)


All winners will be given a certificate, a storybook of "The But's Family" and the prize below respectively:

  • Champion: HK$1,000 Book Coupon
  • 1st Runner-up: HK$800 Book Coupon
  • 2nd Runner-up: HK$500 Book Coupon
  • Ten Merit Awards: HK$300 Book Coupon each
  • The Most Liked Award (top three): HK$500 Book Coupon
  • The Most Active Participating School Award: 100 Storybooks of "The But's Family"

Adjudication Panel

Members of the Family Council, illustrator of "The But's Family", representatives from Home Affairs Bureau, Education Bureau, Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education and Services and professional adjudicators with art-related background

Assessment Criteria

Drawing Skills and Appropriate Use of Colour 30%
Design and Creativeness 30%
Overall Aesthetics 40%


Start date of Entries Collection 15 May 2019
Deadline of Entries Collection 14 July 2019
Online Voting Period October to November 2019
Prize Presentation Ceremony 4 January 2020 (Saturday) morning


  • Telephone No.: 3188 1856
  • Email Address:

Terms and Conditions

  • Each entrant may only submit one entry.  The same entry may not be submitted more than once.
  • Once an entry is submitted, it cannot be modified or replaced and will not be returned to the entrant.
  • Entrants must submit their entries through their schools with parents' or guardians' consent.  Original hardcopy of entries should be submitted by schools in person to the Secretariat of "The But's Family" Publicity Campaign.
  • The top three winning entries of the Competition will be published in the storybook of "The But's Family".
  • All entrants will receive one "The But's Family" magnetic bookmark as souvenir.  The souvenir will be distributed to individual entrants through their schools.
  • The Organisers will not notify individual entrant upon receipt of entries.  All submitted entries will not be returned.
  • Computer-aided design is not allowed for the Colouring Competition. Apart from using drawing tools, finger painting is welcome.
  • An entry should not contain any material that is obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, disparaging or content that is controversial and inappropriate.
  • The Organisers have the right to reject entries that are inappropriate, irrelevant to the theme of the Competition or in the wrong format.                
  • Entries must not promote any commercial enterprise or political cause.
  • All entries must be the original work of the entrants and do not infringe upon the rights (including intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or confidentiality) of any other parties. Otherwise, they would be disqualified. Entrants are responsible for all legal liabilities. Should an entry violate any laws, the Organisers would not be held legally responsible. The related entrant shall indemnify and keep the Organisers and their authorised users fully and effectively indemnified against any and all actions, damages, costs, claims, demands, expenses (including the fees and disbursements of lawyers, agents and expert witnesses) and any awards and costs which may be agreed to be paid in settlement of any proceedings and liabilities of any nature.
  • All entrants shall only use, amend or adapt images from a third party in their submitted work only after written consent has been given by the relevant third party. Such usage shall be acknowledged in their work in accordance with the relevant copyright laws. The Organisers shall not be responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for any liability arising whatsoever or howsoever from any violation of any copyright law. All entrants shall agree and undertake to accept and be responsible for all such liability arising therefrom. For details about the Copyright Ordinance of Hong Kong (Chapter 528 of the Laws of Hong Kong), please visit All entrants must have also obtained relevant permissions from the third party to allow the Government to use, copy, edit and broadcast the third party material. The Organisers reserves the right to request written proof of consents or permissions from any entrant if necessary.
  • Entrants shall understand and agree to grant and assign exclusively to the Organisers all the intellectual property rights of the entries. The Organisers have the right to display the entry and entrant's name, class and school name in any form of media for demonstration, publication, exhibition, promotion or any non-commercial activities, including but not limited to, uploading the entries to the website and Facebook page of the Family Council and publish in "The But's Family" storybook. The Organisers also have the authority to edit, translate, adapt, use, copy, broadcast and distribute, in whole or in part of the entries without any need for prior consent or payment of fees to the entrants.
  • The finalist entries, together with entrants' names, class and school name will be posted for public viewing and voting at the Family Council's Facebook page. A "Most Liked Award" will be given to the entry with the highest number of "likes". If more than one entry has the same number of "likes", the Assessment Panel shall make the final decision on the results. Voting results will be based on the records of the Organiser's server system. If any entrant is found to be committing any fraud, hacking, or using empty or false account, or conducting other illegal acts to sabotage the Competition or to result in any unusual voting, the Organisers reserve the right to disqualify the entrant or take other actions without giving prior notice and stating the reason.
  • All entrants must guarantee that their entries submitted have neither been openly shown, or publicised in any other media platforms; nor have been involved in any commercial activities or submitted for other Competitions.
  • The decisions of the Assessment Panel on the Competition results shall be final. Entrants shall raise no objection to the Competition results or rankings.
  • The right to receive a prize is non-assignable and non-transferable.
  • By submitting an entry in the Competition, each entrant agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. The Organisers reserve the right to disqualify any entrant or retract any award from an entrant who it believes has breached any of the Terms and Conditions. No appeals will be entertained.
  • Entrants are to abide by the Organisers' decision on all matters relating to the Competition, which shall be final. This includes the right to interpret, amend, cancel or suspend the terms and conditions, prizes and other arrangements of the Competition without prior notice.
  • All winners must be accompanied by their parents or teachers to receive the prize. The teachers or parents are required to show their identification documents, such as Hong Kong Identity Card or teacher identity card (if applicable), and the students' identification documents, such as student ID card, student handbook or any other valid documents, for verification purposes before receiving the prize.
  • The Terms and Conditions has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

Collection of Personal Data

  • The personal data is provided by the participant voluntarily for the Competition. The information will be provided to relevant staff for application processing, contact and other relevant publicity purposes. Except with the consent of entrants, all the personal data collected will be destroyed within 6 months after the completion of the Competition.
  • The personal data provided by the entrants are mainly for use by the Organiser but they may also be disclosed to other Government bureaux/departments or relevant parties for the purposes mentioned in this Competition, if required. Apart from this, the data may only be disclosed to parties which the entrants concerned have given consent to such disclosure or where such disclosure is allowed under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  • The entrants have the right of access and correction with respect to their personal data as provided for in Sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Their right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of their personal data provided by them in the Entrant Enrolment Form of the Competition. A fee may be imposed for complying with a data access request. Enquiries concerning personal data provided, including the making of access and corrections, should be addressed to the Secretariat of "The But's Family" Publicity Campaign (Address: Room D, 9/F, Tong Yuen Factory Building, 505 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon; Tel. No.: 3188 1856).