Promotional events of 2014
Prize Presentation Ceremony for the 2013/14 Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme
A total of 1,763 corporations, small and medium enterprises and organisations from different sectors were commended today (June 19) as "family-friendly employers" at the award presentation ceremony of the 2013/14 Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme organised by the Family Council, with the support of the Home Affairs Bureau.
Speaking at the award presentation ceremony, the officiating guest, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, said the support and collaboration of employers were decisive in assisting employees to balance their responsibilities at work and in families. Mrs Lam said that some employers had instituted more diversified family-friendly practices apart from paternity leave and the five-day week. Those practices include flexible working locations, provision of child care and breastfeeding facilities in the workplace and establishment of scholarships for the children of employees. Some employers with innovative ideas had also implemented special holidays to allow flexible working hours according to their employees' needs, so that they can attend parents' days held by the schools of their children and take care of elderly family members. She said she hoped the valuable experience of these employers in implementing family-friendly practices could enhance the public's awareness of the family-friendly spirit and encourage more employers to adopt family-friendly practices in the workplace, in order to develop positive family values.
Established in 2011, the biennial award scheme recognises employers who attach importance to the family-friendly spirit, encourages them to continue to put in place measures to raise employers' awareness of the importance of family core values, and aims to foster a pro-family culture and environment.